Medical Detox Centers in Moline, IL

Suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction will often make people feel as though they have no option but to go it alone. Whether they are trying to hide their addiction from the world or they simply feel that they are capable of overcoming that addiction alone, the idea that self-sufficiency is the way out of an addiction is a flawed one. Drug and alcohol addictions are both mental and physical. They are diseases that require medical management and proper treatment. As such, you will want to consider all of your options in treatment before you make any decisions regarding how you will progress in your addiction recovery. One of the most important options to consider is medical detox treatment. Many people are completely unaware of the existence of medical detox programs let alone the fact that there are medical detox centers in Moline. When you are planning and preparing for your addiction recovery, get to know the details about medical detox and the availability of medical detox centers in Moline so you can choose from the medical detox programs in the Moline area to start your recovery off on the right foot.

What Is Medical Detox?

Medical detox treatment is the first step in drug rehab in Moline and involves breaking your physical addiction to drugs or alcohol. Many people do not understand the physical addiction a person has to drugs or alcohol, let alone the ways in which detox and medical detox treatment work.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that the physical addiction a person has to drugs or alcohol is very real and is based on proven biochemistry. When addictive substances enter the body, they will work their way into the bloodstream. The largest amount of blood flow in the body goes to the brain and because of that, the drugs are soon carried to the person's brain. Once the addictive substance reaches the brain, it sends signals to get the neurons in the brain to act in certain ways. This can include triggering the release of dopamine or other such actions. As the person continues to abuse drugs or alcohol over the course of time, the brain will start to change the way it operates on a regular basis. When this shift occurs, the brain has developed a biochemical dependence on the drug.

Because the brain relies on the drug to perform basic functions, the process of stopping drug or alcohol abuse in Moline can be quite difficult. The brain will react poorly to being out of balance and withdrawal symptoms will ensue. This is all a part of the detox process. Medical detox treatment and medical detox programs are designed to help deal with those withdrawal symptoms in a controlled environment with the full supervision of medical professionals. In medical detox centers in Moline, you will receive various forms of medical care and treatment. Nurses will monitor your vital signs regularly and check in with you regarding your symptoms. If you need basic care such as IV fluids or anti-nausea medication, the medical staff can administer those treatments. For more severe withdrawal symptoms, further medical care can be performed, and of course, there are medications that can help to make withdrawal gradual rather than sudden and further manage the symptoms of withdrawal.

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Medical Detox

When you go through medical detox centers in Moline, you may experience any number of withdrawal symptoms. As you know, these symptoms can be quite severe in nature or mild. Some of the withdrawal symptoms reported often in medical detox treatment are:

  • Seizures
  • Depression
  • Fever
  • Hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Night sweats and profuse sweating
  • Chills
  • Aggression and agitation
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Psychosis
  • Heart failure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headaches

Why Is It Dangerous to Detox at Home?

There are a number of reasons that it is dangerous to detox at home. It is important to keep in mind that the withdrawal symptoms that occur in medical detox programs cannot be fully predicted ahead of time. This means that any of the symptoms, severe or mild could occur to anyone going through detox. And with the severe symptoms of withdrawal, the only safe place to be is in a medical detox treatment center. You would be putting your life in jeopardy if you try to go through detox without the help of medical detox centers in Moline.

Why Should I Enter a Medical Detox Center?

Safety is the number one reason that you should enter a medical detox center. On top of the issue of safety is the issue of success in recovery. If you want to have the greatest chance possible at overcoming your alcohol or drug addiction, medical detox is the best way to start the process. You will be guaranteed to be successful in detox at least because of the supervision and support you will have which will set you up for success moving forward in treatment. Call Moline Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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